Photo Writing

This is the day that the world changed. Maybe not for everyone but definitely for Fred. Fred is just a basic guy, he is an accountant with a boring desk job. Fred is dull, “what is the purpose of life” Fred asks himself. Fred doesn’t know the answer. What is Fred’s purpose? Fred spends every minute of his free time pondering over these questions. One day Fred is walking home from the park and he gets a call. He goes to answer the phone and hears the voice of an old woman ” Hello is this Fred?” Fred replies by saying “Yes, who might this be?” ” Oh well since you asked, this is your grandmother Jodie.” Fred didn’t know he had any relatives. “Oh my!” Fred says. ” Yes, I have sent you a gift. Have an excellent rest of your day” says Fred’s grandma. Fred’s grandma then hangs up. Fred is of course very confused. He decides that it was just a spam. When Fred returns to his house he sees a strange package on his porch. When Fred opens the package he sees an old camera. This is when he realizes that ‘maybe this is a gift from his mysterious grandma.’ This is when Fred hears his dog barking. He busts through the front door and sees his dog has torn apart one of his throw pillows. As he cleans it up he gets distracted from the camera on his porch. When he finally gets done with making dinner and cleaning up from the dog he goes back to his camera. The sun is setting and it is a beautiful summer night. Fred looks through the camera and snaps a picture. As he pulls the camera away from his eyes he sees how beautiful the picture is. This is when Fred’s world changed. Fred finally has a purpose. He is going to quit his job and be a photographer.


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